Refund Details

Learn how to refund a transaction.


EGMS supports full refund or partial refund within the specified validity period for the original order that is completed with the specified payment method.

Payment methods that support refunds

Payment MethodRegionFull RefundPartial RefundChargebackRefund ModeRefund Period
Visa/Mastercard/JCB/American Express/DinersClub/UnionPayGlobalYYYAPI1 Year
Alipay+GlobalYYNAPI1 Year
WeChat PayChinaYYNAPI1 Year
TrueMoney WalletThailandYYNAPI30 Days
Rabbit LINE PayThailandYYNAPI60 Days
Online Banking (SCB/KTB/BBL/Krungsri/KBank)ThailandNNNN/AN/A
Citi Pay with PointsThailandNNNN/AN/A
Tesco Lotus Bill PaymentThailandNNNN/AN/A
M CashMalaysiaNNNN/AN/A
Shopee PayMalaysiaNNNN/AN/A
Touch ‘N Go ewalletMalaysiaNNNN/AN/A
Shopee PayIndonesiaNNNN/AN/A
Mandiri ATMIndonesiaNNNN/AN/A
Bank Transfer (BNI/BRI/MayBank/Permata/CIMB)IndonesiaNNNN/AN/A
Credit Card JapanJapanYYYAPI1 Year
Bank TransferJapanYNNN/AN/A
PayPayJapanYYNAPI1 Year
Line PayJapanYYNAPI30 Days
Rakuten PayJapanYYNAPI30 Days
merPayJapanYYNAPI1 Year
Carrier Payment (NTT Docomo)JapanYNYAPI179 Days (~8PM)
Carrier Payment (SoftBank)JapanYNYAPI180 Days
Carrier Payment (au KDDI)JapanYNYAPI~end of next 2 months (full refund); ~end of next 1 month (partial refund)
PaidyJapanYYYAPI1 Year
WebMoneyJapanYYNAPI30 Days
NetCashJapanYNNAPI30 Days
BitcashJapanYNNAPI30 Days
Local Credit CardSouth KoreaYYNAPI90 Days
Naver PaySouth KoreaYYNAPI90 Days
Kakao PaySouth KoreaYYNAPI90 Days
TossSouth KoreaYYNAPI90 Days
PaycoSouth KoreaYYNAPI90 Days
GrabPaySingaporeYYNAPI1 Year

Refund Mode

Depending on the payment method used in the original transaction, there may be API and manual refund modes when refunding.

Initiate a refund via the Refund API

Use POST|Refund to initiate a refund for the original transaction order that supports refund.

API Refund

Refund success conditions

  1. The payment method of the original order supports a full/partial refund.
  2. The order has not exceeded the refund validity period.
  3. When requesting POST|Refund, send the correct store ID, original transaction order number, and corresponding parameters.

Response time

Generally, return results in real-time (refund success/failure)

Initiate a refund via the Manual API

For some payment methods, it is required to initiate a refund manually.

Refund success conditions

  1. The payment method of the original order does not support a full/partial refund, and only manual refunds are supported.
  2. The order has not exceeded the refund validity period.
  3. Send the Refund Request Form by email.

Response time

Generally, 1-2 working days to return the refund processing result (refund success/failure), 3-5 working days to receive the refund.

Fee Policy

The refund involves the collection of the Refund Processing Fee and the return of the original Transaction MDR.

Refund Processing Fee

Charging Standard


Settlement Method

EVONET operation team will calculate all the refund processing fee of the transaction month in next month. Some payment brand may also charge the refund processing fee.

Original Transaction MDR

Return Standard

Return PartyReturn or notSettlement
EVONET Processing FeeYMonthly
Interchange FeeN*N/A

*Only specific payment methods support to return the interchange fee:

  • Visa/Mastercard/JCB/DinersClub/Discover/American Express: Return full interchange fee
  • Alipay+: Return Alipay+ processing fee