Settlement File Integration
Learn how to integrate and process EVONET settlement files.
Settlement file integration is an optional process. Typically, you can query or download files through the Merchant Services Portal for settlement and reconciliation work. Those who need system reconciliation are required to integrate with the EVONET settlement file service.
EVONET provides different detail files through sFTP. Contact your EVONET account manager to set up the sFTP with EVONET.
Settlement Details
The file name is combined with several parameters.
- SID: the Store ID with a format of "Sxxxxxx". For example, S123456.
- Usage: the file usage. "Settlement" as the field.
- Details: the file type. "Details" as the field.
- Date: the settlement date of the file, with a format of YYYYMMDD.
- Trace Number: a 3-digit trace number. For example, 001.
The file is in .csv format.
Step 1
Filter out the transactions whose Reconciliation Flag in the file is Balancing.
Step 2
Extracts the transaction in your system, which is pending to reconcile, and uses the merchant order number Order Number as the primary key to perform data matching.
Step 3
After you complete the reconciliation of the transaction data,
- if you find EVONET's settling transaction is less than your transaction data, you can leave the unsettled transaction to the next day's reconciliation procedure. After N days, if the transaction is still unsettled, contact EVONET operation team to check the unsettled reason. It is suggested to discard the transaction or settle as failed after N+M days in case of any system error incurred by network delay. Contact your EVONET account manager, and he/she will give you the suggestion on the value of N and M based on the business fact.
- If you find EVONET's settling transaction is more than your transaction data, you have to contact EVONET operation team immediately.
- If you find EVONET's settling transaction equals your transaction data, you can confirm the transaction.
LinkPay Settlement
If you integrate with LinkPay products, pay attention to the merchantTransID field returned by the asynchronous notification so as to proceed with the reconciliation.
Sample and Specification
You can download the file to receive the sample and specification of a settlement details file.
Updated 10 months ago